What is a co-operative?
What is a community benefit society?
What is the benefit to being a co-operative or a community benefit society?
Should I be promoting co-operatives to people starting a business?
If you have been asking yourself any of these questions, our workshops might be able to help you.
Who are these workshops for?
We can tailor these workshops to many different groups, however our main focuses are people looking to set up co-operatives, and people who could help to create a better environment for co-operatives to be set up in. We would specifically
like to bring together people working in economic development and business start up support.
What will you get from the workshop?
We hope that you will learn a lot from these workshops, including:
- Understanding what co-operatives and community benefit societies are and how they are different from conventional businesses
- Learning about different kinds of co-operatives and community benefit societies and what the differences between them are
- Specific information about the co-operative sector in the South West of England
- Information on how to get support if you would like to start a co-operative
- Who else is working in the co-operative sector near you and how you may be able to help each other
Potential impact
We are excited to see where you all end up after these workshops! We are hopeful that some of the impacts will include:
- New co-operatives
- Improved support for people looking to set up co-operatives
- Improved understanding of why to encourage growth of co-operative sector
- Improved connections within the co-operative and community business sector
Are you interested?
If you would like to organise a workshop in your area, or would like to hear about upcoming workshops, please get in touch via our contact page or the information below. We would love to hear from you!
Some feedback from our first event:
“Thank you for organising an inspirational event and bringing together a community of individuals working towards a common purpose.”
“Excellent presentations and information on the real world realities and incredible potential of cooperatives. Thank you.”
“Meaningful, inspirational. Many thanks.”
“I left the workshop more optimistic, more empowered and more determined to promote the cooperative movement politically and practically. Thank you.”
South West Co-operative Development Limited
Registered as a Community Benefit Society: 31193R
Registered office address:
10 East Reach,
Office phone: 0300 456 2265